About us

Teatro dei Colori Impresa Sociale ETS

who we are

The THEATER COLOR  Impresa Sociale ETS Association was founded in 1987 under the Art Direction by Gabriele Ciaccia. The Company enjoys recognition as a national professional structure by the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for the Live Entertainment, since 1987.

In 1994, the companionship Teatro dei Colori became a member of AGIS (Association of Italian Performances) within the Federation of Contemporary Art Theory in the specific National Association of Competitives and the Theatrical Innovation Residences.

He performs activities in the Abruzzo Territory with the Abruzzo Region under the L.R. 11 February 1999 n. 5 reserved for professional theater facilities; On 1 March 2000 he was recognized by the President of the Regional Council for Legal Personality.

For the programming of the reviews in the territory, it works in synergy with the Province of L’Aquila, and with mountain communities and municipalities (Marsica, district of Avezzano, Pescina, Tagliacozzo and Pineto), promoting the annual Theatrical Reviews: “Rainbow Routes” “Step on the Scene”, “Theater District”, “Drammaturgie Visioni”, “Summer Colors”, “Fairies at the Park”, has realized study projects and workshops in collaboration with the TSA (Teatro Stabile Abruzzese) including “The Trojan Horse”, “Elena delle Nuvole” from Euripides and the co-production “Carnaval” and “Eikon”.

Participate in annual theater reviews, on average in 10 different Italian regions. The “Teatro dei Colori” Association has been active since 1996 in collaboration with the Abruzzo Region and the Municipality of Avezzano (AQ) and has been the National Research Office of AGITA (Association for Research and Promotion Of theatrical culture in school and social), has collaborated with the National Academy of Dramatic Art “S. D’Amico “in Rome, the University of L’Aquila (Sciences of Education) and Bologna (DAMS), through productions, internships and student refinements, was awarded the first place in the Critical Observatory ‘ETI (Rome 1988) with the show “Colors … imagine the image” and won the “Ribalta Award” with the show “The Wizard of the Numbers” by H.M. Enzesberger in 2003.

He produced, in collaboration with Ignazio Silone International Studies Center, “The Secret” by Ignazio Silone’s “The Secret of Luca”.

He has represented Italy at the Charleville – Mezières Festival, within the Unima.

He participated in several editions of the “Stregagatto” Prize, at the “Sicilia-Ragazzi”, “Mediterranean ports”, “Critical Observatory” promoted by E.T.I.

The Company promoted the Study, Training and Upgrading Conferences: “Special Theater / Image” 1988, “Boys at Theater, Cinema and TV” 1989, “Behind the Scenes” 1989, “Over the Look” 1990, “The Creative Writings “1991/92,” The Writings of the Body “1992,” Anthropology Theater and School, Memory as Research “1994/95,” Anthropology, Writing, Vocality “1995/96,” Writing Hypothesis “1996/97,” Routes , Theaters and Teachers’ Pedagogy “1997,” The Theater of Objects “1998,” Intersections “1999/2000 and the “Grammar of the Scene” training program since 1990.

Made with F.S.E. And the POR Region of Abruzzo the “The play of the theater” 2000 and “From the hands to the theater, the body, the object, the space”, and in the framework of the programs of Law 285/97 the “For a Child Theater” project 2005/07 and in the second edition in 2007/09.

In the years 2007-2008 he co-ordinated “High Performance Training: Creation, Design, Communication” to support the entry into the workplace of specialists of the show with F.S.E. Abruzzo Region, SMILE Abruzzo – Academy of Fine Arts of L’Aquila – Stable Abruzzo Theater – Abruzzo Molisana Theatre Association – Marbea film post production – Multimedia image writing institute. In 2011 he realized the project “The Theater and Justice”.

The Teatro dei Colori Impresa Sociale ETS, has its headquarters in Avezzano (AQ) Italy. Via dei Gerani n. 45

Iva / C.F. 01182680668 Tel / fax 0863.411900 www.teatrodeicolori.it – ​​info@teatrodeicolori.it – teatrodeicolori@pec.it

The Association was founded on September 25, 1987

It is legal personality of private law from 1 March 2000

The Associazione Teatro delle Colori Impresa Sociale ETS has the following internal organs according to its statute:

1. Shareholders’ Meeting

2. Administrative body

3. Internal control body

With resolution of the Shareholders’ Meeting dated 11/10/2011, the following positions of the Governing Board were renewed:

The chairman is Dr. Gabriella Montuori

The vice president is arch. Giuseppe Pantaleo

The artistic director is prof. Gabriele Ciaccia


The Chairman of the Board of Auditors is the dagger. Antonio Giovannini

There is no compensation for the functions listed.

The Teatro Colori  for the year 2020 did not give any assignments of collaborations and consultations.

Pursuant to article 9, paragraph 2 and 3 of Legislative Decree n. 8 August 2013, n.91, converted by law October 11, 2013 n.112, as regards information relating to holders of top management and artistic positions and tasks managerial statements and statements are published


Article. 1, paragraph 125 of the law 4 August 2017, n. 124 (Annual Law for the Market and Competition)
the undersigned Gabriella Montuori born in Avezzano (AQ) on 01-03-1959
Resident in Avezzano, Via Delle Mimose n.4 ,
fiscal Code MNTGRL59C41A51Y
As a legal representative of the Association TEATRO DEI COLORI based in Via Dei Gerani 45, 67051 Avezzano (AQ)


to have received the following public contributions during the 2023 financial year

Data di erogazione Ente erogatore Tipologia del contributo Importo erogato
MIC Saldo contributo attività teatrale Anno 2022 D.M. 27Luglio (Art. 13 comma 3) Acconto contributo attività teatrale Anno 2023 D.M. 27Luglio (Art. 13 comma 3)
Contributo spese vigilanza antincendio anno 2022 D.M. 12 Luglio 2005  
€ 33.991,65
€ 65.427,00
€ 603,34
Regione Abruzzo Mand. 0004771 Sostegno agli Enti del Terzo Settore
Erogazione Contributi soggetti beneficiari FUS anno 2022, L.R. 46/2014 acconto
dph 003/312 L.R. n. 55/13 art. 40 Annualità 2022
Erogazione contributi soggetti beneficiari FUS anno 2022, L.R. 46/2014 saldo
€ 5.000,00
€ 34.637,43
€ 25.000,00
€ 18.650,92
10/11/2023 Comune di Pineto (TE) Festival Fiabe al Parco Delibera di Giunta Comunale n. 119 del 23/06/2023 € 4.952,00
€ 10.548,00
31/10/2023 Comune di Avezzano (AQ) Rassegne “Passi sulla scena” e “Domeniche Da Favola” anno 2023 Delibera di Giunta Comunale n. 252 del 31/12/2022 € 16.000,00
16/06/2023 Comune di Pescina (AQ) Rassegna Itinerari dell’arcobaleno anno 2022 Delibera Comunale n. 23 del 06/06/2022 € 3.500,00
30/08/2023 Comune di Tagliacozzo (AQ) Rassegna Itinerari dell’arcobaleno anno 2023 Delibera Comunale n. 233 del 30/11/2022 € 3.500,00
Comune di Celano (AQ) Progetto Scena Aperta anno 2022 Liquidazione Contributo delibera Comunale n. 218 del 20/05/2022
Progetto Scena Aperta Anno 2023 Acconto Contributo Delibera Comunale n. 118 del 20/05/2022
€ 4.000,00
€ 10.000,00
€ 7.858,00


to have received the following public contributions during the 2020 financial year


Data di erogazione Ente erogatore Tipologia del contributo Importo erogato
Ministero Beni e Attività culturali e turismo Contributo Attività teatrale anno 2020 D.M. 27 Luglio 2017 (Art. 13 comma 3) Imprese di produzione teatrale di innovazione nell’ambito del teatro per l’infanzia e la gioventù.
Contributo spese vigilanza antiincendio.
Contributo emergenza Covid-19 
€ 80.307,15
12/12/2020 Regione Abruzzo dph 003/301 L.R. n.38/2020 art. 4 € 12.155,51
da liquidare  Regione Abruzzo dph 003/312 L.R. n. 55/13 Art. 40 annualità 2020 € 25.000,00
28/10/2020 Comune di Pineto Festival Fiabe al Parco 0003242 0000001
Manifestazioni estive comunali 2020
€ 12.500,00
da liquidare Comune di Tagliacozzo “Itinerari dell’arcobaleno progetto residenza”
D.G 22 del 11/02/2020
€ 3.500,00
09/10/2020 Comune di Avezzano Ass. Cultura Contributi per rassegne “Le Domeniche da favola” e “Passi sulla scena” presso il Teatro dei Marsi Prot. numero 53995 del 04/09/2019 € 16.000,00
19/11/2020 Comune di Celano Manifestazioni invernali ed estive 2020 – 03446-000001850 € 6.000,00
da liquidare Comune di Pescina Rassegna itinerari dell’arcobaleno. Delibera del consiglio comunale n. 12 del 31/07/2018 € 3.500,00
    TOTAL € 158.962,66

Misure di Trasparenza D.L. 8 agosto 2013, n. 91